Thursday, July 9, 2009

A nice day in Nice

Today, we just kicked back, and relaxed in preparation for our long train ride tomorrow. First, we had breakfast, but then we decided to walk through Nice's old town. It was pretty interesting, but the best part was the hill. There was a hill, used as a fort in the old days, and from there, there was a panoramic view of all of Nice. We could even see the airport and the plane's approaching it. After the hill, we decided to go to the beach. The water was quite cold and hard to get used to, so we only stayed for a little while. After the beach, we went back to the old town for an early dinner. Because it was early, around 7PM, we were charged extra, as French usually eat very late in the summer.

On our way back to the hotel, we heard some music from the ampitheater. They turned out to be rehersals for a concert to happen that night. We decided to see who was playing so we had something to do that night. It featured the band featuring Sting's son Joe Sumner, a tribute to Marillion, a band important to my dad's childhood, and some French rock band. We decided to pay the 25€ per person to see the concert. It was pretty good, and it was usefully located across from our hotel. Now I'm here, writing this blog entry.

My internet expires in 15 minutes so I won't be able to upload pictures, but I'll try to upload them in Barcelona. It's going to be a while before my next entry, so hang in there. Tomorrow, I'll be taking 2 trains, a total of 8 hours, to Barcelona, Spain, where I'll spend the remainder of my journey.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Sting's son? Is he as good as his father? On another note, those French have too much fun--not only have they good food, but they also eat and party until midnight everyday... I think we picked a wrong place to live....