Sunday, July 19, 2009

Back At Home

It's been quite a few days since I came back (Tuesday), but it was much needed rest. The trip home was, interesting. When we landed in Philly after a so-so 8 hour flight, we were greeted by customs, immigration, and a 2-hour security line... After that hell, we found that our flight was in the eastmost terminal. We were in the westmost terminal. In that terminal, we found our flight to be delayed. Finally, at 9PM, we were in Providence, and drove home.

It's now Sunday Morning, and I'm preparing for my own summer plans. I'd like to thank a few people and things for making this blog possible:

My Dad, who brought me through Europe

Google, who provided the blog site, the maps for us, a way of showing you pictures, an a place to look for things to do.

Carlsberg Beer, which we used to cool our computer, as it was old and overheated easily in the hot European Sun.

And you, who kept me motivated to write this blog and keep it updated daily with pictures.

My Journey is over, and I thank you all for following the blog, and hope you've learned something from my experiences. For know, I'm signing off, but if I travel again, I'll be back.

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