Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Travels in Poland

It's been a few days since I last posted, but I've been catching up with sleep, and meeting with family I haven't seen in a long time. Since first reuniting with family on Sunday, we did a few things.

On Monday, I woke up at around noon to catch up for most of my lost sleep. It was incredibly rainy all day, so there wasn't much to do. I basically slacked off the entire day, and even napped for a short while in the afternoon too. Later in the day, I was (almost) back to normal. In the evening, I went to my uncle's new apartment where we watched a motorbike race being broadcast from England, where a Polish team came out victorious.

On Tuesday, the weather was much nicer, so we walked to downtown Bydgoszcz. The walk was relatively nice, but there wasn't anything I've never seen before. We returned for a nice lunch of fried chicken and then proceeded to relax for the rest of the day. I went to my uncle's apartment again to meet with my cousin and her daughter, who just came for a visit from another part of Poland.

Today (July 13), we had some more exciting things planned. In the morning, we left Bydgoszcz for the city of Nidzica in the Warmia region. On the way, we passed through a lot of the construction that is improving the Polish road system. We also stopped at a castle town halfway called Golub-Dobrzyn. The castle was first built in the early 1300s by the Teutonic Knights, but was then added onto in the 1600s. The result is a unique mixture of medieval and Renaissance architecture (pictured above). Today, the castle is rented out often for large parties. During our guided tour today, it looked like the staff was preparing a feast for hundreds of people for an event later in the evening.

When we finally arrived in Nidzica, I met with grandfather on my mother's side, and had a nice late lunch. In the evening we visited another castle inside the city for a drink. This castle was a bit larger and had more renovations occurring, but it was interesting nonetheless. It's been a long three days here in Poland, and I still have seven to go. I'll report my activities again in a few days.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Hi Adam, great to hear from you again. Just so you know, tomorrow is an anniversary of the Grunwald Battle between the Teutonic Knights and the Polish and Lithuanian Union that took place over 600 yrs ago and this place is close by Nidzicia (~20 km)...just a thought...